Please be introduced to Markus and Hannes, two Swedes we met on our tour ‘round Easter Island.
When I asked where they were from, Markus said, “Sweden. And you’re from Texas?”
“How do you know we’re from Texas,” I asked.
He pointed at my cap. I had to take it off to look at it before I realized it features a big white heart with a bold TX inside.
“People from Texas are very proud,” Markus said. “Everything is bigger in Texas.”
“Did you know,” I replied, “that our tour guide refers to the two of you as The Vikings?”
“People only know three things about Sweden,” Marcus responded. “Vikings. Women. And Zlatan Ibrahimovic.”
I’m embarrassed to admit that I had no idea who Ibrahimovic is. Turns out he’s a soccer star who plays for the Los Angeles Galaxy. Hell, I know so little about soccer that I barely know what the L.A. Galaxy is.