There’s something very strange going on here in Beijing. People stare at Jamie like she’s from another planet. It really is quite bizarre.
It all started when Jamie was doing a silly pose in the Forbidden City. A young Chinese woman and her mother (just to Jamie’s left in the photo) approached me to ask if I would use their camera to take a photo of the three of them together. They were giddy — almost beyond words — when she agreed to do it.
Today was the weirdest of all. People were taking photos and videos of her all day. For example, we were resting our feet at a sidewalk cafe when I noticed a young couple standing in the middle of the street snapping one photo after another of Jamie. I said, “Hey, Jamie, wave at them.” She did. They took the photo of her waving, broke into huge smiles and the young woman started jumping up and down and clapping her hands with excitement.
Another young woman told Jamie that people stare because she has “a tall nose and big eyes.” We assume she meant that as a compliment.
We have another theory.
Mandarin Gourmet, out on Los Osos Valley Road, was our favorite Chinese restaurant in San Luis Obispo. Our favorite waitress, a young Chinese immigrant, once told us that Jamie looks exactly like a famous Chinese actress, which seemed very odd because there are no Asians swimming in Jamie’s gene pool.
But who knows? The Chinese also eat live worms and scorpions, so one never knows why they do the things they do.
Jim, google Tiffany Tang—a chinese actress that does resemble Jamie !!
As your brother I will say you are from another planet!!!!!!!!