Comments on: Xi’An, China: The most complex apartment complexes ever Wed, 28 Jun 2023 15:14:23 +0000 hourly 1 By: Traci Fri, 13 Sep 2013 00:06:16 +0000 Construction began on a second canal several years back which will contain a third set of locks. It will parallel the historic Canal. Unimaginable that construction of this magnitude is underway merely 99 years after the first canal was completed. The new one will be wider therefore increasing the current Panamax size (current ship size 110′ x 1050′, proposed 180′ x 1400′). Panama aspires to reach First World status with the new canal. My day on the Canal (full transit, Pacific to Atlantic, bus ride back to Panama City) happened to be on the day of the 95th anniversary of its opening which made the atmosphere festive. One of my favorite travel memories. My aunt in Costa Rica claims that Nicaragua, with Hong Kong’s assistance, is planning to build a competing canal between Nicaragua and CR. Canal competition? Go figure.
