Comments on: Vancouver, British Columbia: Whose idea was it to bike around Stanley Park? Sat, 08 Jul 2023 05:08:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jane Mitchell Sun, 16 Aug 2015 22:24:58 +0000 Reading your blog I have noticed a couple of comments that can not possibly be true. #1 a reference to having known Jamie for 20 years.
#2 Jamie probably hasn’t ridden a bike in 40 years. Obviously these are both hyberbole since she can’t be a day over 27.

Have fun on your trip. We loved Vancouver and a train trip across Canada is on our bucket list.

By: Bruce Vernon Wed, 12 Aug 2015 23:34:16 +0000 Looking good!

By: whiskeyriver Tue, 11 Aug 2015 23:08:39 +0000 Hey Mr. and Mrs. Editor, looks like you are having a great time! Yes sir, I know all about the ass problem. I ride a 2002 Heritage and it takes all spring to get my butt used to the saddle after laying off during the winter.

Y’all have a wonderful time and please be carefull. I’m sure you will be hearing from all the ITHM crowd as you travel and I am looking forward to all the pics you are going to post.

By: Denise Tue, 11 Aug 2015 14:53:33 +0000 Maybe Segway in Toronto to let the buns heal. I’d like to see the training session and hear the stream of expletives from Jim learning to use one.

By: Mark Fleming Tue, 11 Aug 2015 14:37:56 +0000 Diane and I didn’t recommend the bike ride for your enjoyment, Jim. It was for Jamie’s. 🙂

And we know you loved it, and that you just love to whine.

By: Liz Tue, 11 Aug 2015 14:33:40 +0000 I’m so excited to follow you guys on this adventure. Your comments are so informative and hilarious. Have a great time.

By: Jamie Mon, 10 Aug 2015 22:22:06 +0000 You’re not fooling anyone, Jimmy Boy. We had a fabulous time. Love you.
