Vancouver is beautiful. We fall in love with almost every city we visit (with the notable exceptions of Moscow and St Petersburg, Russia) and Vancouver is no exception. In fact, I think Jamie said, “Let’s move here” in record time. I’m not sure we were out of the industrial area surrounding the airport when she uttered those words I’ve so often heard.
What an introduction to Vancouver. We took a “aqua bus” across the harbor to Granville Island. It was 72 degrees, the water was smooth as glass, and the sky was layered with gorgeous clouds.
We were taking this selfie and a couple about ten feet away were also taking one. Their camera was mounted on a selfie stick, but they couldn’t figure out how to work it. The man looked over at us and said, “Would y’all take a photo of us?” Y’all? His accent sounded familiar so I asked where they were from. The answer? “Fort Worth.” We fly 1751 miles to another country and the first people we talk to live in our own backyard.
Tell Jamie that before you will consider moving to Vancouver, she must spend one full winter there. BTW, winter in Vancouver is about 6-9 months long.
Thank You James, I enjoyed it thoroughly.What a wonderful trip.