Ahhhh, Iceland! Where many a manly meal begins with heaping helping of whale. Nothing like a little deep-fried blubber to start the day off right.
UPDATE: We just returned from dinner at GrillMarkaðurinn, our favorite Reykjavik restaurant. Our dinner was, as always, delicious. But the menu included some items we chose to avoid — Horse Tenderloin, Puffin Mini Burgers, and Minke Whale Steak. Mmmmmm.
Well, from the pants, and then the pants, stories to the leap forward to Iceland, it looks like Jamie is in for another grueling six months of exotica. No, not the kind that comes with the amazement of world travel but, rather, the kind that comes with the amazement of being in close quarters with you.
We wish you the best you can do, and we wish Jamie a very high level of patience and sympathy.
Much love and wishes for safe and fun travels.
Words of wisdom from the man who took me to pick up the pants and then married us on the beach in Laguna.
What? No penis museum post?
We actually got to the doors of the Penis Museum, but decided we’d been there, done that.
HAHAHA…Which one of you chickened out?