What it means is, “Protect our wildlife. Don’t start a fire out here in the bush that will kill the frilled lizard or any other animals.”
Sounds impossible, but I’m sure we’ve seen millions of acres burned as we’ve driven around Australia. The fires are started by lightning, by campfires getting out of control, by aborigines as part of their traditions, and I suppose even by arsonists (No, America does not have an exclusive on lunatics).
We’ve seen smoke on the horizon and up-close. We’ve driven past flames burning right alongside the road. There are just so many fires out here and so much land and so few people and so little water that unless lives and property are in immediate danger, the fires are just allowed to burn until a rainstorm puts them out or they run out of flammable material.
The vegetation out here has evolved to live with and sometimes even require occasional burns. Some plants depend on fire to propagate their seeds.
Bizarre, isn’t it?