Comments on: Macao: ‘dem some dim sum Sat, 08 Jul 2023 01:59:14 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jim and Jamie Wed, 25 Sep 2013 08:55:03 +0000 Let me explain DG’s comment to the rest of you. DG is my former ad agency business partner. I love him like a brother. “Yule love our interest rates”, the worst headline our agency ever created, was done for a client who didn’t know good from god awful. I, however, was not responsible for that truly terrible headline because I was on vacation throughout the sad, sad episode.

By: Joanne Milo Wed, 25 Sep 2013 05:14:14 +0000 Hi Jim and Jamie … I’m friends with Ray Sanford (actually it started when Ray joined Richard’s Rotary Club). Ray sent me your blog address … and I just clicked on. I immediately saw your post on Macau sushi … and BAM, you NAILED IT! We took a few days in Hong Kong about 5 years ago before we traveled on to India. On a day trip to the Hotel Lisboa, we decided to just cool off and have a bite. To this day, we talk about that sushi meal as the best we have EVER had! You are ABSOLUTELY RIGHT!!!

I was so excited to read your post, I’ll be watching your travels. You are hearty folks … enjoy your grand adventure! Safe journey … joanne

By: DG Mon, 23 Sep 2013 21:16:06 +0000 Yule love our interest rates!
