We rented a car to drive around Switzerland and left Zurich at 8:00 on Saturday morning in an attempt to get to Lucerne before the weekend rush.
Zurich to Lucerne is just a 40 minute drive through beautiful countryside on sparkling new freeways. That was the easy part. Once we got to Lucerne we must have turned left when we were supposed to turn right or right when we should have turned left, because we got ourselves lost.
We asked several people for directions and what we got from one friendly woman was (and this is a quote), “Left, right, right, right, right” and then she made a series of circular, downward motions.
I figured the hotel was near the lake, so I just kept turning in any direction that looked downhill. We were completely lost when we stopped at a red light. Jamie was just saying, “We’ll never find this place” when I looked to our left and said, “Hey, isn’t that our hotel?” Pure, blind luck.
This is it. The Waldstätterhof Hotel. I’m tempted to say, “How could we miss it?” but there are so many spectacular old buildings in Lucerne that it doesn’t stand out.
We had breakfast across the street from the lake and just below this church. I’m not sure if Jamie’s ever set foot in a church, but for some odd reason, she cannot pass one without taking a photo. Even if it’s a dark, bad photo.
This is Joanne from Singapore. She asked us to take her photo in front of the church. I cannot explain why she and Jamie appear to be bosom buddies.
And now a series of random shots from the neighborhood around our hotel.
These are my favorites so far. Looks like you are having a fabulous time, still smiling, anyway. That rotten avocado just below the pictures doesn’t do much for me though. Are you guys paying for any of this vacation or are the fat belly’s and rotten Avos paying for it all?!! Tell me you are at least paying for 60 days. 😀 Love yas!!!