I had written a mildly amusing story about our experience flying Iceland Air from Reykjavik to Zurich, but never got around to putting it up and now it’s too late to post it. The short version is that they upgraded us to First Class. We don’t know why, but we didn’t argue.
Once we got in the air, one of the flight attendants came over and apologized that they didn’t have a first class meal for us because we had been upgraded at the last moment. Instead, I guess, they gave us a big, honkin’ milk chocolate bar. I showed admirable restraint by putting it in my backpack instead of wolfing it down immediately.
Well, today was the day that will power deserted me. I started out eating one tiny portion and ended up eating the whole damn thing. Jamie just sat across from me on the train and shook her head in amazement. Or maybe it was disgust. I’m not sure which.
I was happy when I started, but very sad when I got down to the last little piece.
I want some of that chocolate!!