Comments on: Isalo National Park, Madagascar: Sufferin’ sapphires Thu, 13 Jul 2023 01:26:59 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jerry Mon, 11 Sep 2017 16:00:08 +0000 I was raised in northern New Mexico and by American standards we were “poor”. No indoor pluming, no electricity, just an old adobe house with wood heat and cook stove, an outhouse out back and kerosene lamps for lights. My family all worked hard and by the time I was 8 our lives had improved dramatically.

The point I want to make is Americans have no clue as to how good we have in in our country. I was stationed in Cambodia in 1972 and saw first hand what real poverty was, as you and Jamie are seeing it now. We may not have had much when I was young but compared to a real third world country we were rich. My experiences overseas was not pleasant in any way, shape or form but it did remind me in a glaring manner just how good we Americans have it.

Glad you guys are having a good time and am looking forward to your next post!
