Jamie and I slapped down twenty of our hard-earned Yankee dollars today and gained admission to Reykjavik’s International Phallological Museum, or as it’s more commonly known, the Penis Museum.
The founder was a college professor who had a real hard-on for the subject of penises. His obsession drove him to collect actual penises from every species of land and sea mammal native to Iceland.
For the first three years of the museum’s history, the only mammal not represented was…drum roll, please…man. But that situation was recently rectified when a local resident donated his member to the museum’s permanent collection.
Do you think his family was able to write it off their taxes as a charitable donation?
One added note: In case you were wondering, the sperm whale is hung like a freakin’ horse.
LOL. Love the posts with Jim’s inimitable writing style. Hope for a book one day.
So that begs the question, isn’t it time we start referring to you as “Jim who is hung like a sperm whale” rather than “like a horse”?
Jim says, “Good idea.” Jamie says, “Funny one, Dave.”
Hung like an elevator button, if I recall.
Great…… Now I gotta to look up “inimitable”….. And Jimmy, I thought you were a lefty…….