Funchal, Madeira: Toboganning down the hills of Madeira

You normally associate toboggans with snowy winter climes, not tropical islands. But people have been tobogganing down the hills of Madeira since 1850 or so. These toboggans originally transported Madeirans from the uphill town of Monte down to seaside Funchal. But today these death machines exist solely to scare the hell out of tourists who pay good money to speed down the island’s narrow, winding streets. These two-seat wicker sleds slide downhill on wooden runners, steered by two “drivers” who dress in traditional white cotton shirts and pants and straw hats. Believe it or not, they use their rubber-soled boots as brakes (I can’t imagine that a pair of their shoes lasts more than a week or two.) The hair-raising downhill trip takes about 10 … Continue reading Funchal, Madeira: Toboganning down the hills of Madeira