We just landed in Colombo, Sri Lanka after a ten hour red-eye flight from London. We left London Heathrow at 9:30 p.m. and arrived in Colombo at 12:30 p.m.
Colombo is everything you might expect it to be. It’s growing like crazy with luxurious skyscrapers under construction across the downtown area. Counterbalance that with gut-wrenching poverty right next door to the construction.
We’re only here one night and in the morning we take off across Sri Lanka by train to places that are pretty far out in the country. I know the elephant safari in the national park won’t have internet. Although the resort in the tea plantation says it has internet, don’t be surprised if it doesn’t and you don’t hear from us for the next week or so.
Talk to you when we have internet again.
Hope you to have a better elephant ride than we had many years ago.This ride ended with her running away with us, we grabbed her neck hair and held on.One of our best days at the ORANGE SHOW.
Don’t blame the poor elephant. She was probably frightened by the sounds of gunfire coming from the gang warfare at the Orange Show. (For those of you who don’t know, the Orange Show was a county fair kind of thing in the crime and gang-infested area where Ray and I grew up.)