As far as Jamie’s concerned our ’round the world trip is now a success and it’s all down hill from here. Screw the Great Wall, the Forbidden City, the Terra Cotta Soldiers, Beijing and Shanghai. Screw ’em all. If we had to come home tomorrow, she’d be ok with it.
This attitude can be explained by the fact that we visited the Chengdu Panda Reserve where she got to cuddle a panda for five minutes while the staff took photos and a video. It’s what the woman has been waiting for since our friend Ginny Parkinson told her that she had done it several years ago.
I can’t tell you how happy and excited she was when she came out of the enclosure.
I also can’t tell you how happy and excited I was, but for a different reason. Just before she went in they told us about the woman who had been mauled by a panda when she innocently touched him in a way he didn’t appreciate. Jamie was in with the panda for so long that I was afraid they had rushed her to the emergency room. Whew! What a relief when she walked out the door with a big smile on her face.
Too cute! (The bear’s not bad either)
Ok that’s adorable!