So there we are gasping for air on one of the Great Wall’s steeper sections when we see three guys dressed like cowboys. “They have to be in a band,” Jamie said.
So, true to her belief that I speak to every stranger I meet, I asked them what three guys in cowboy hats were doing in China.
“We’re in a band,” the one on the right said. “We’re called the Texas Tenors.”
Believe it or not, they do country music and classical music. Gotta give ’em credit, it’s an interesting niche.
They said they’d performed recently in Plano, Texas, which is right next door to McKinney, our favorite little town in the Lone Star State.
Check out the Texas Tenors’ website.
And now, back to our regular programming.
I’ve heard of them. They are really good. How fun.
No need to blend in while visiting a foreign country.