Bob Colombatto, my first boss in the advertising business, hired me over the phone without ever meeting me. He was shocked when I showed up for my first day of work.
“Jim Lee deYong? I was really expecting a Chinese guy,” he said.
I couldn’t help but think of Collie when we ran across this restaurant in Barcelona’s El Born district.
Jackie G says
Jim, I must say, I really do appreciate when you reference an old story. I guess its true what they say, memories from the past really do enhance the present. Continue to harken back to your early days! Bravo on the excellent writing.
Jim says
A real honor to hear from the esteemed Jackie G, our beloved godson.
Dustin de Yong says
my mother in law still pronounces our name like reading it off of an American Chinese restaurant menu.
Jim says
Always nice to hear from the Montana branch of the clan.