Comments on: Angaston, South Oz: My pal the radical revolutionary Sat, 01 Apr 2023 13:37:24 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jim Tue, 22 Nov 2022 09:25:13 +0000 My buddy Dave couldn’t get the Comments function to work, so I’m posting this comment for him:

Loved reading your blog today. I laughed out loud about your article about Tom Hayden. I met him in of all places, Chico. It was 1972 and I was senior at Chico State. I was in a group called the April Committee that was trying to get a student elected to the city council, but was mainly involved because of a girl named Debbie Drake who was unbelievably good looking, not because I was some wild-eyed political wannabe. (I never understood her interest in me). He was coming to train us how to run a political campaign. The pretend commie flew in in a private jet, had a driver with hat, and a group of no neck thugs with him. Most of us were totally intimidated, and speechless. He never mentioned how to run a campaign but did a major recruitment pitch to open an SDS chapter at CSU. And you’re right, he was an ugly dude. I’m still laughing.

By: Doug Reeves Sun, 20 Nov 2022 22:46:07 +0000 Haha! Awesome.

By: Rangerwick Sat, 19 Nov 2022 21:03:48 +0000 I did that to an actor once, Terrance Knox, in the Burbank Airport. Talked to him like we old friends- messed his mind I’m sure.

By: Ray Fri, 18 Nov 2022 17:01:20 +0000 I’ll bet you could repeat that trick with any politician. And your conclusion would apply to most.
