We picked a very poor time to buy the house next door, sell our old house, move from one to the other, and leave on a six-month trip. But, much to our surprise, everything came together at the end and we even had a day to sit back and relax before leaving home. Because, you know, it’s important to relax before you spend six months relaxing.
Here we are standing in front of the new house just moments before leaving for the airport. Everything we need for six months had to fit into one regular suitcase, one carry-on, and two backpacks. This is a major achievement for Jamie, who used to need a steamer trunk to go away for the weekend.
Our driver showed up at 6:55 for a 7:00 a.m. appointment. Very impressive. It was Saturday morning, so the freeway was empty. He texted us that he was home almost before we got checked in. Thanks, Don.
Nothing says bon voyage better than an Egg McMuffin, hash browns, and a cup of coffee. Call me crazy, but my inner demons compel me to eat at McDonald’s whenever I’m at an airport.
In the words of the immortal Jackie Gleason, “And awaaaaaay we go.”
I hope that’s a organic egg mcmuffin and hash brown! 😉 so excited for you all
Jim the picture of you both is great. Looks like a father taking his daughter who just graduated from college on a trip. Sorry I guess the dutch don’t age well.
Have fun for us all,Ray
Back when we lived in Dana Point, we’d occasionally stop at the local Carl’s Jr to grab a quick burger. One night I went in by myself and as I was paying, the pimply-faced kid behind the counter said, “Excuse me, sir. I was wondering if your daughter has a boyfriend.”
A few months ago we happened to go to the same restaurant in McKinney several Friday nights in a row and got the same waiter every time. One night he paid us what he thought was a fine compliment by saying, “I think it’s so nice that you take your daughter out to dinner every Friday night.”
No, the Dutch do not age well. Especially those who’ve spent their lives in advertising.
Bon Voyage you two. Have a GREAT trip.
But, please don’t fly Malaysia Air unless you want to end up on Reunion Island.
So . . . McKinney misses you already! Be good, be careful, and have fun!!
The ads are kind of annoying, especially the one about gut gas! What the hell is gut gas?
Google places ads on individual pages based two factors — the content of the page and your own personal search history. Since there’s nothing on the page about gut gas, I can only assume that either you or your husband have searched the topic. I guess there is one other option: They placed the gut gas ad on the page as a result of McDonald’s being mentioned.